Alcoholics Anonymous members carry the A.A. message to the alcoholic in a Correctional Facility who wants to live sober, one day at a time. Our members do this service work as part of maintaining their own sobriety and to give individuals within who are confined an opportunity to find sobriety. Through a Corrections Committee working with corrections personnel, alcoholics are reached who might never otherwise find the A.A. program.
We carry the message by
- Providing Oregon Correctional Facilities and Correctional Professionals with A.A. Literature.
- Taking in-person A.A. meetings or panels into Oregon correctional facilities.
- Encouraging participation in the Corrections Correspondence Program.
- Helping those A.A. members who are about to be released to connect with an outside AA member to ensure a smooth transition from A.A. behind the walls to A.A. outside the walls of the facility.
- Working with the C.P.C and P.I. committees to help inform probation and parole professionals and other court officers about resources A.A. provides to those who are incarcerated.
Interested in Service work?
District 21 has a variety of service opportunities in Corrections. Whether we are taking a meeting into correctional facilities or simply helping to coordinate and support those who are, it’s all about carrying the message of experience, strength and hope to the alcoholics who may still be suffering.
The following is a list of facilities that welcome AA members to participate in on-site meetings.. Contact the coordinators to find out about qualifications , necessary forms and possible background checks.
Benton County Jail: For more information on taking meeting to Benton Co. jail contact Gregg O at [email protected] or Erik H. at [email protected]
Oregon State Correction Institute (Salem) and Santiam Correctional Institute :
- OSCI meetings are every Saturday from 9:00 -10:30 PM.
- SCI meetings are every Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 PM. ( This meeting can really use AA volunteers)
For more information on taking meetings into OSCI contact Vickie at [email protected]
Oak Creek Youth Correctional Facility: For more information on taking meeting into OCYCF contact Julie at [email protected]
District 21 H&I Committee also works closely with Oregon Area Corrections Committee with the prerelease program and corrections correspondence.
Corrections PreRelease Program:
Corrections Correspondence: